Safety Policy

At North Shore Airport, we have always taken Health and Safety seriously.

With the advent of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 regulated by WorkSafe and Safety Management Systems (SMS) regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority coming into effect in relatively close proximity to one another, I saw an opportunity for us to embrace change and reinvigorate our systems to bring Health and Safety to the absolute forefront of what we do.

Whether we are welcoming you onto our premises as a prospective new customer, an external contractor, or a long standing club member, I want the experience to be as safe and enjoyable as possible. No matter how familiar or unfamiliar you may be with our facilities, we have a duty of care that I personally want to ensure is taken seriously by all staff, representatives and ambassadors of North Shore Airport. My number one consideration is how to make your visit and experience as safe as possible whilst enjoying what we have to offer.

To that end, I have overseen the designed our Health and Safety systems to be as intuitive and simple to use as possible to encourage everyone to actively participate in the system. I actively promote a just culture environment whereby everyone should feel free to report occurrences without fear of repercussion and with the understanding that they are actively contributing to making it a safer environment for everyone.

It is my utmost desire to ensure run a Health and Safety system that is practical, immersive for all and highly effective. I do not want our system to be simply a manual that sits on a shelf, I want it to be deeply integrated into the fabric of what we do. There is no other way to achieve the objective of putting Health and Safety to the forefront of our priorities.

I hope you enjoy your time at North Shore Airport and I welcome any feedback and suggestions you may have.

John Punshon, Chief Executive